Monday, October 29, 2012


A friend of mine posted a picture which she found online of this interesting type of art on her Facebook wall, and it immediately caught my eye. I'm usually having trouble in getting my kids to eat eggs for breakfast in the morning. It's a constant battle. Sometimes I try sneaking them into their foods, like by adding an egg or 2 to their milkshakes, or by coating a slice of bread with an egg when making french toast. But there are times when I just want to make scrambled eggs or boiled eggs or any other type where the eggs are plainly visible. I want them to enjoy the texture and taste of it as it is. So when I captured the idea of making faces on eggs, I did a little search online for some ideas on face expressions. I simply cleaned each egg with a dampened washcloth and made different faces on each one with a fine permanent marker. It's really easy and very creative. It was fun having the kids choose the egg they want to eat for the day. They are more willing to eggs ever since I stumbled upon this wonderful idea! We also have more peaceful mornings. Yaay!!! Although, I do sympathize with the to-be-eaten eggs. Poor things. ;-)

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